Thursday, January 10, 2013


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So, last September (on the 12th), I shattered my right heel. I was in a boot 'til December. I am now walking with a fair amount of tenderness. I still can't drive. 

Overall, this injury sucks wind. 

However, I decided to come back to yoga. It was time. The medical doctor says it's as healed as it's going to get, I'm stiff and sore and raw and I needed it.

Today I went to Hatha I with Angela.

Overall, great. My bad rib popped in, my shoulders are less tense, I have the yoga joy.

On the not-great, but not-bad? When I tried the downward dog it *totally* didn't work and I immediately went to my knees, heart racing, pure panicked. I know that with this injury pushing is only going to make everything worse. I have to listen to the pain and treat that tendon with love and joy. Angela gave me motions to do while the rest of the class was dogging-down, and I'm okay with that. 

I'm tender now. I have ice on it, I'll put the brace on for the afternoon and baby the hell out of it tomorrow, but I YOGED!

Also, I love how the yoga joy is a real thing, like I can *believe* in it. I go to yoga, joy follows. It's not a fluke; it's a fact. 

So, I'm going to get up Saturday and take Zelinda's gentle class and start my Saturday with joy. 

Namaste, y'all.



Class info:

Location: The Yoga Room

Class type: Hatha I

Teacher: Angela


1 comment:

  1. Great Angel just please be careful and I know you will ;) so glad you have the yoga joy hugs
