Monday, March 5, 2012

5 Reasons Yoga is Better than Deadlines

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1. When you go to yoga class, you get smiles and, if C is there, hugs. When you reach a deadline, you just have stress.

2. In yoga class, you do modified cat and cow pose. In deadlines, you start inventing words in order to make word count.

3. Yoga class has soothing music. Writing deadlines have hysterical wailing noises.

4. In savasana, you stretch on the floor and breathe. In deadline mode, your brain is stretched on a rack and you panic.

5. When you miss yoga class, you have a bit of guilt and Angela misses you. When you miss a deadline, you have 1039283470 emails and your editor threatens to blow up your car.


(This post brought to you by a very late novel.)

Namaste, y'all.



Class info:

Location: The Yoga Room

Class type: Gentle

Teacher: Zelinda

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