Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Class Nine of the 40 Day Challenge, or Electric Toothbrushes, Explosions and Surrender

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So, I had this whole blog post planned. I was going to tell y'all about the transformer that exploded at 7 a.m. this morning, throwing fireballs outside my bedroom window and waking me up with a noise like I'd never heard before. My heart thought the world had come to an end.

I was going to bitch about the editor that needed a final copy of a novel TODAY, no matter that my whole day was taken with fire and electricity and computers and...

But, I'm not.

You see, today in class Angela made a fabulous analogy. She was talking about how yoga was like an electric toothbrush. (And yeah, I'm just going to leave it at that. That's her analogy and you should ask her to share it with you. Stealing cool analogies is crappy writing Karma. But do ask. It's totally worth it.) It made me laugh, though, and it opened my mind up enough for her next words.

Start where you are.

I'm going to make a sign and put it up where I have to see that 100 times a day.

Shawn, start where you are.

The practice tonight was all about surrender -- giving up control and stress and baggage and garbage that you didn't need anymore. Let me tell you, I needed more props tonight than in any practice *ever*, but you know what? I actually had a 30 second point in there that I did it.

I just was. Right there. On the floor.

(Also -- and this is for Zelinda -- at one point, my shoulders touched the floor when I was on my back. Me. Relaxing enough that my shoulders let loose. Eee! Personal victory dance!)

Namaste, y'all.



Class info:

Location: The Yoga Room

Class type: Gentle

Teacher: Angela

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