Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Class Three of the 40 Day Challenge, or Pilates Broke My Butt

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So. Pilates.





Yeah. Right.

Me? I'm built like a wind-up robot. Short, squat, square.

This is pilates class #3 for me and I still suck at it.

I have the sneaking suspicion I will suck at it until the end of time.

Does this stop me? Of course not. Never let it be said that I won't try. Basset hounds think they're greyhounds, right? I'm sort of like a pit bull attempting to be a... Hrm. Irish setter? Maybe a Visla. Something less torso heavy and muscly thighed.

Everyone in class lifts their legs like gazelles and my short muscled legs goes crick-crick-crick (yes, you can hear the gears and wind-up mechanisms inside, just like the picture) and then crack-crack-crack all the way down.


Wind-up Robot.


Also, I may never sit comfortably again. Still, you will see me next Wednesday, and you can hear the crackage and creakage of my inner workings for yourself.

Namaste, y'all.



Class info:

Location: The Yoga Room

Class type: Pilates

Teacher: Michelle

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