Friday, January 13, 2012

Raging river of death

Went to the gentle yoga class with Angela this morning at The Yoga Room in Round Rock

I always find it so interesting to go to a class with someone who's not my usual instructor (I admit to loving Zelinda's style). Angela is a bright, cheerful soul with a lovely smile, and her instruction is very meditative, focusing on how your body feels and on breathing through each movement.

I really enjoyed the mat work we did, and I can definitely feel space opening up in my hips. My hips are a constant source of stiffness for me; I was born with my hip joints turned in rather than out, and between the ages of about 2 and 6 I wore orthotics and special shoes and did all sorts of exercises to give me turnout. Caused me no end of trouble in third grade ballet, you can bet. Sometimes it causes me stress in yoga, because unlike everyone else, I can't sit cross-legged. My left hip just won't bend that way. It was really illustrated today in the modified pigeon pose we did. I could bend all the way to the floor with my left leg bent back behind me. With my right leg bent back, I had to straighten my left leg instead of folding it across the front of my body, and I could only bend a few inches. Occasionally it makes me self-conscious; I know yoga isn't competitive, but you can't help but feel odd when everyone else can cross their legs. *g*

On the good side, I felt much more flexible in that hip when we were finished with class, and not sore, which is a minor miracle.

Worst Lorna's mind is wandering moment? At one point, Angela told us our breath should be like a river... And I immediately thought, "Careening out of control down a raging river of DEATH!" - what? I have a movie line for every occasion. (Emperor's New Groove, anyone?) My breathing is often like that... Not so smooth. More like an asthmatic buffalo on steroids.

The more meditative the practice is, the more the voices in my head talk to me. I think I need to work on that notice your thoughts then let them go thing, huh?

I love how every yoga practice gives me something new to think on!

Peace, y'all


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