Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Give Love, Downward Dog, and the Damned Child's Pose

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So, today's class was gentle yoga -- stretchy and nice, perfect for my first real class back after major tattoo work and my birthday. :D

I felt good today -- the class had new folks in it and it made for a slower class. That always has good and bad points in it. The good points? I really feel like I can settle into the poses, make adjustments, and I could tell in warrior one and warrior two today that I was sinking into them.

The bad? If I'm not staying busy enough, my brain thinks. A lot. Today I was telling myself stories about a dark Red Riding Hood and her Werewolf. Which, you know, great for the writer in me, not so great for the stress relief.

I'm still learning how to make downward dog work for me. My hamstrings scream, my arms shake, and there's a general lack of bendiness. At least today. Usually (I think), I like down dog. Hrm. I need to pay attention, huh?

Something fabulously neat did happen in class today, but first I have to groan.

I hate child's pose.

Hate it.

My belly gets in the way. My boobs get in the way. I end up balancing on my knees and forehead while the rest of the world looks comfy. I feel a little like one of those Australian toads. I don't have to be good at it, but can I at least be...lizard-like?

Brr-rup. Brr-rup. (That was my toad noise.)

Okay, fabulously neat thing.

So, we were tree posing. (I love the tree pose. Love it. I makes me happy. Almost as happy as the happy baby pose, which gives me joy. Yes, joy is cooler than happiness. I'll take both.) I was finding my focus point on the floor and right there on the floor, in the pattern of the wood was the word, "give."

I mean seriously. Clear as a bell.

I watched it and it morphed into "love".

Give love.

Yeah. I mean, yes, please. Every day. Thank you. I want to.

So me and my tree pose were happy and rooted and going, give love. Good plan. Me and the trees. :D

Namaste, y'all.



Class info:

Location: The Yoga Room

Class type: Gentle

Teacher: Zelinda

1 comment:

  1. I love that you saw give and love in the floor! That is how my meditation practice works. Very visual.
