Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Learning to Love the Downward Dog

I have a hate/hate affair with the downward dog. My hands sweat. I slip. My arms shake. No matter what I do, I can't hold it very long.

So, since I am swimming in a sea of yoga for the next 32 days, I decided to take the bull by the horns (or the dog by the ears) and make this pose work for me.

I went online. I looked at various solutions. I ordered yoga rosin and a sticky/prickly surface towel. (I also ordered matt freshener spray, because, DUDE... I've been sweaty in Hatha class)

Today, I tried the towel. (Insert angels singing) Ahhhhh. I did not slip. I did not strain. I held my down dog. More than once. Hooray. I have the rosin as a backup, but I am learning to have a love/hate relationship with the darned pose, at least.

Note, I still look like this while trying to down dog and breathe:

This is a little less than satisfying when you walk into class and see Zelinda warming up with inversions to help with her allergies. She was doing shoulder stands and head stands. She looks more like this:

Hey, I may never get there, but at least I didn't end up on my knees half the class today, cursing my sweaty hands!

Night, folks



  1. Dude. So I Googled "downward dog fat" because I have SO much trouble with it, and I found your blog. And then I read a few entries. Love it! My bff and I just started a blog called Fatcersize (fatcersize.wordpress.com), dedicated to fat fitness. We seriously only have two entries, so it's nothing too exciting right now. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and I love your blog! :)
    -Rhonda (laughterinbetween)

  2. Thanks so much Rhonda. Can't wait to come read your blog!
