Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The fainting goat syndrome

Notes on class today at the Yoga Room in Round Rock

I did the 10:30 gentle yoga class with Zelinda as the instructor. We had a great bunch of people in the class, and it was very gentle today.

This was both good and bad for me. When we're moving slowly from pose to pose, I tend to lose my balance more. I have a bad, bad ankle that I sprained years ago, and recently pulled the ligaments completely out of shape again on. Put me in triangle pose, and boom-- fainting goat.

Strangely enough, our teacher had never heard of fainting goats. We made her watch them on You Tube.

On the good side, a very gentle class was what I needed today. For the last week I've been taking new supplements and meds from my doctor to increase my circulation, and as with all things homeopathic, it gets worse before it gets better.

Before I start sounding like I'm all doom and gloom, I'll mention that when I did my seated forward folds today, I started thinking about how far I could reach as opposed to when I first started. I may still struggle with warrior two (my shoulders and arms get so tired) but my flexibility is so much better, and I feel so much more capable now.

My goal the next few months is to work on balance, and on that silly ankle, so I have less chance of falling over the dogs...

Stay tuned, and I'll let you know about my progress!

Lorna /Scoobie Doone

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Lorna, I'm glad I'm readying your blog, because now I know what we can work on for you - circulation and ankle. I'm going to do some research. Get ready.

    Side note, I banged my forehead on my closet woodwork this morning trying to avoid stepping on my dog. Thankfully it was a rounded corner. Dog is fine, too. I swear I had to redirect both my feet in mid-air to avoid stepping on him. He weighs 6 lbs, so it could have been worse than a bump on the head.

