Friday, January 13, 2012

X marks the Challenging Pose

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This morning was a lovely class with an instructor I'd never worked with before, Angela. What a dear. :D She had this amazing voice and was super-receptive to what people needed. The class itself was incredibly gentle -- very slow and meditative with a LOT of hip work. Lots of times when I do hip work I find it leaves me worn out, emotionally, but the last few days have been super tense, so I left the class full of energy and ideas, bouncy.

I will say, though, I'm SORE now. In that I have to crawl up into the car sort of sore way.

Weirdly enough, the more challenging pose was the last one -- we were supposed to lay out in an 'x' on our back on the mat. Now, I have a bum shoulder so my x was less...xy than it might be, but that wasn't it. It was uncomfortable on my upper back, shoulders, and incredibly challenging to sink into.

Yes, that's it. I was challenged by laying on the floor. O.o

Interesting thing I noticed today, my breath doesn't flow. I breathe in. Stop. Breathe out. Stop. And it's a real effort to not do that.

Namaste, y'all.



Class info:

Location: The Yoga Room

Class type: Gentle

Teacher: Angela

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