Monday, January 16, 2012

Things you think you know that you don't

We went to the kick off party for the 40 Day Challenge at the Yoga Room in Round Rock yesterday. It was very neat to meet our fellow participants and get an idea of why everyone wanted to do the challenge.

I have admitted more than once that I do yoga because Shawn decided to do yoga. Otherwise I would still be on the stationary bike at the Y, or maybe rowing away on the rowing machine. (Not at the Austin Rowing Club. Don't get me started. That is not a calm or peaceful thought.) When Shawn decided to try yoga, she asked me to come along, and I did. I felt awful that first time, not being able to touch my toes or sit back in child's pose because I was too big to fit between my knees.

I got better.

So, I have to say I'm doing the challenge because Shawn is incapable of passing one up. I am still unlikely to go to yoga without Shawn. Not because I dislike it, or am uncomfortable, but because I am, at heart, too lazy to leave the house without someone to kick me.

I am the one who does yoga at home on her own, however, so I guess that means it's a part of me now.

Tonight we did the gentle class at 6:15 with Zelinda. This is where the things I think I know comes in. I said my shoulders and neck needed work. I had a dentist's appointment this morning, and I spent the whole time with my shoulders up around my ears. I thought sure it was my shoulders that needed a good tenderizing, but as practice went on the muscles along my spine got tighter and tighter, my lower back all but seizing up on my last seated forward fold. Then we went to the mat for a twist and a little beginner's bridge pose, and something in my back let loose.

It felt so good I almost cried.

Sometimes, even when you're trying to listen to your body you have no idea what's going on at the beginning. You have to make it a progression. A process.

That's a pretty cool thing to learn on the first day of challenge.

Night, y'all!



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