Saturday, January 21, 2012

What is that smell?

What is that smell? I thought this morning when my alarm went off. The world answered, "7:15 a.m."

It's been awhile since I was up that early. Maybe since the last time I took a flight out of Austin-Bergman, which I think was Las Vegas... Vegas and yoga are kind of antithetical to one another, so we'll cut that analogy right off.

Anyway, at 7:45 we were off to 8 a.m. gentle class, which was class 5 of the challenge for me and Shawn.

I was pooped. When the cold front moved in last night, my dog went nutso. She hates it when the weather changes; her arthritis bothers her. So, I was awake for about an hour at 4:30 this morning while I let her out and let her in and got her an aspirin and a chew and... Yes, this means I have a spoiled dog, and that I was about this sleepy this morning:

My Sadie is the one on the left.

Class was crowded like whoa, but that turned out to be a huge advantage for me. We never stood up today; Zelina put us through a lot of poses lying down and sitting, and I worked out all manner of soreness. I might even have had a nap during our relaxation... I don't think I snored.

It just goes to show that the universe gives you what you need if you're open to receiving it.

I still woke Sadie the basset hound up when I got home and made her run around the house a few times. If I can't get the sleep I need, why should she?

Night, y'all!


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