Friday, February 3, 2012

Class 15 of the 40 Day Challenge, or How Yoga Helps in Real Life Crisis When Added to Wine

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I have to tell y'all. I have discovered a real life use for yoga.

Yesterday I'm having folks for supper. Lorna and I are making gluten free vegetarian lasagna. These are not gluten free people.

We cook, we clean, we pull the lasagna out after they get here and?

The noodles are like concrete -- hard and shattery, a little dangerous, crackly and absolutely not edible.

It's 239042739 degrees in my house, I have guests, I have 3 anxious dogs. Lorna looks at me, I look at her. She grabs the gluten free fusili out of the pantry and I grab the stock pot and start filling it with water. I pull each tiny shard of uncooked noodle from the pan (leaving the goo), she opens a glass of wine. We start water boiling while everyone else chats in the front room.

We pour two glasses of wine, put the fusili in the water, and Lorna says, "Breathe."

We breathe, arms going up. We forward fold in the kitchen. We breathe.

We drink a glass of wine.

We make baked pasta.

See? Yoga with real-life uses. We didn't panic. We coped. We breathed. We cooked.

Also, today in class? Something amazing happened. We did the tree pose and Angela's talking about putting our hands in a mudra. Now, two little backstory bits of info: 1. I always do the middle finger mudra because I am the queen of NEEDS PATIENCE and 2. today I was looking for Ease as my Point of Practice. Something made me put my thumb and third finger together (vitality). As soon as I did, the entire studio flooded with white light, so bright I couldn't see.

Okay, I thought. Maybe I've just had a stroke, maybe I've cut off the blood supply to my brain. Possibly my glasses are foggy.

We release the pose. I'm no longer White Light Woman (so, brain is getting blood. Go brain.)

We do the other side.


White light of amazing joy.


Now, there may be a scientific answer. I'm pro-science. Right now I'm happy with mystical yoga joy experience. Joy is always cooler than science.

So, ease? Not so much, but joy? Like whoa.

Namaste, y'all.



Class info:

Location: The Yoga Room

Class type: Gentle

Teacher: Angela


  1. Wow, Shawn! We need to talk more about this! I have some ideas, and I'm sure some of the other teachers do too.

  2. :D It was an amazingly wonderful experience. I'm back in class Monday morning. Also, fyi, yoga on the road is tough, but it makes us both happier and less grr. :D Also, doing the half moon in a swimming pool is a little dangerous. Just saying. :D
