Friday, February 24, 2012

Class 27 of the 40 Day Challenge, or I'm so feeling like I suck. :P

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Yeah, I know. I did my best and yeah, I know, I didn't ask to get rear-ended, but still...

So, a little weepy and bummed today (not necessarily about yoga, mostly about insurance companies and last minute runs across town in vicious traffic to sign papers). We didn't get home in time for the celebration party and, honestly, I'm not feeling celebratory.

I'm bummed.

That said, I'd try the challenge again and Lorna and I have a yoga schedule set up (we're discussing practice on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, pilates on Wednesday and hopefully catching some hard cardio on Thursday, leaving us Sunday off). I learned that I do love my yoga practice. I learned that yoga on the road is hard. I learned that Zelinda and Angela and Michelle and my classmates are absolutely an integral part of my life.

I learned that we need a post-Tuesday class breakfast date (I suggest the Cafe Java, but I'm easy, the 620 Cafe is close and the people there rock).

I learned that I swell up like a frog if I take too many days off yoga.

So, there it is.

I didn't finish the challenge. I came close. I am going to continue my blog and my practice. I don't regret a second.

Well, maybe the wreck.


Oh! Practice!

So, Angela said something today. "Check in with your face."

Man, talk about hard-core triggery weirdness for me! You see, I have this disease called trigeminal neuralgia, which is the most painful disease you can have an not die. (Don't worry; it's totally under control.)

I did spent 20 years with it out of control, though, and mine was completely left-side face focused. No one touched my face for 20 years. I didn't sleep on it. I didn't put make up on it. I NEVER scratched it.

I tried really hard to not think about it.

Today, when Angela said that, I freaked a little -- now part of that is the car accident. Things are sore that shouldn't be sore and today the chiro said one leg was two full inches shorter than the other (just from Tuesday when we saw him last) -- but part of it was just old facial baggage, which is like having eye bags, but... less genetic.


Also, in checking in with my face, I discovered I smile a lot when I'm yoging. (Did y'all know spell check tries to make that yoking?)

Namaste, y'all.



Class info:

Location: The Yoga Room

Class type: Gentle

Teacher: Angela



  1. I am truly sorry about your accident. I have been in a couple of doozies and know the horrible impact it has on the body. Please take your time to heal. BTW, Zelinda announced that you and Lorna finished the challenge! See?!?! Go you! Not that we won any prizes, but I think the prize is just going.

  2. We decided to make you and Lorna honorary completers of the Challenge. It's not your fault you had to miss due to a terrible car accident!

    Keep us posted on how you're feeling. We're all thinking of you and we miss you both!
