Monday, February 20, 2012

Practice 26 of the 40 Day Challenge

So, I didn't make it into class.

This morning we dropped Larry off at the airport for his amazing move to Shanghai and, the entire drive to the airport I knew we were going to have an accident. I was so careful, y'all. I did everything right.

I got Larry onto the plane, I handed the keys over to Lorna and I took a deep breath. Sometimes those little feelings aren't real, sometimes I misread them. Yay.

About 1/2 mile from the airport we were rear ended.

As in we were stopped at a red light, the driver fell asleep and hit us going about 45 mph the car is totaled rear ended. As we sat there amongst the air bags, Lorna says the first thing I said was, "I knew we were going to have an accident."

We did the ER thing, have the muscle relaxants, the antiinflammatories, the chiropractor appointment.

I did the panicked idiot falling apart like a fool thing.

Then I went and meditated for an hour. Not sleeping, but letting myself relax and process and absorb all of it. Everything. Loss. Fear. Pain. Gratefulness. Luck. Joy. Tension. Release.

So, I know I didn't go into class, but I practiced. I listened to what my soul needed and what my body needed.


Namaste, y'all.


1 comment:

  1. So sorry this happened to you and Lorna! The hour meditation practice is pretty admirable. It takes a lot of patience to sit (or lay) that long. Good for you! Hope you both get to feeling better soon!
